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Olivia in Austin, TX, USA

Massage Therapist

Meet Olivia, a compassionate healer in Austin, Texas with a profound dedication to helping others through Massage, Reiki, and traditional healing.

Olivia has extensive experience with over 13 years of assisting those with injuries, chronic ailments, and emotional suffering. She combines healing work with herbal therapies and traditional remedies, bringing profound transformation to countless individuals.

At the core of her practice, Olivia offers exceptional service infused with empathy and kindness. Olivia, a symbol of resilience and compassion in holistic healing, welcomes you to experience her healing touch and intuitive wisdom that will lead you to self-discovery, reminding you that healing is your birthright.Embark on your journey to well-being and inner harmony with Olivia. Let her guide you toward your transformative potential. Blessings,




  • “The Dot Bots are awesome. I send one email and one magically appears no matter where we are in the country.”
    Demun - Singer of Rehab
  • “"Everything was great as always thank you again"”
    Gabriel Iglesias TM Ryan
  • “"They were very pleased, excellent job. Thanks again"”
    Empire of the Sun TM Tim
  • “Your service is EXCELLENT!”
    Becca- Tour Manager of Blippi: The Musical
  • “"Hello Dot, Ms. Krall is thrilled over the service she's been getting and it looks like we'll be booking many more dates"”
    Diana Krall TM Maria
  • “"The Dotbot, Chandra (San Diego) you had come out today, was amazing!"”
    NIghtwish TM Roger
  • “Thanks. We've had a lot of the Dr. Dot's on various stops on the recent Staind tour. Thanks for the therapy!”
    Brian Wolk
  • “"Thank you so much. The band was very happy and it was great to have someone show up with such short notice." ”
    Odd Future manager
  • “Your company has really helped me out on tour.”
    Brendan Ekstrom - Guitar (Circa Survive)
  • “"She rules. Our favorite yet. Let's have her every time"”
    Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros TM Sam
  • “"Thanks for sorting today. Dan ( Dan Haggis (drums, percussion, keyboard and backing vocals) said it was one of the best massage's he's ever had. S." ”
    Wombats Manager
  • “I just wanted to say thanks for another great tour. Your folks were, per usual, wonderful. You provide a great service, and I appreciate it.”
    Manager of Everlast
  • “Dot Stein I've used your services twice the last 2 months. Both times we were provided with responsive communication (yay Michele) and professional therapists who understood what my artists and dancers needed. The therapists were caring and competent. Thank you for the service you provide and your commitment to us out here on the road. Bravo!”
    Christine M. Tour Manager of Nutcracker Moscow Dance Squad and RAIN
  • “"My tour manager wanted me to tell you Leslie was great. Very professional. He has never had an hour massage or someone come to his room. It was a nice treat for him and he doesn't have FB or Twitter but wanted me to tell you how professional your company was. The Wailers will be using you exclusively"”
    The Wailers PA Michele V.
  • “"Thanks Dr. Dot! You're the best!"”
    Rancid tour manager Cris
  • “"Thank you so very much for your help Dot.  We really couldn't do the shows without you!"”
    Dream Theater tour manager Brad
  • “"the Dotbots were excellent!! thanks again and can’t wait to do it again.."”
    Chromeo Tour manager Ray
  • “Jeff Wayne has really taken to all the massage’s he had so far from your team. Roland in Cardiff was great / Jeff and Jason Donovan both had massage’s from him and both said how good he was. Cheers, Neil Brighouse Tour Manager”
    War of the Worlds Tour manager Neil B.
  • “"As always thank you! Great service as ever. TB"”
    Tyler the Creator Tour manager Tim Boardman
  • “"I am very familiar with the Dr. Her team is awesome"”
    Steve Vai Tour Manager Warren
  • “Sheila E. is in love with your service. ”
    Joey F. Production manager Dave Koz Christmas tour
  • “"I have always used her people and they are great. Simon"”
    Simon S., Roger Waters Tour Manager
  • “"thanks a lot for your help during our tours"”
    Zucchero tour manager Laura
  • “"The service was great. Thank you"”
    Shawn Richesin TOUR MANAGER - Kaleo
  • “Thank you for all the great therapy over the touring year. I appreciate your professional staff and look forward to working with them again soon.”
    Steve Miller
  • “"Dr. Dot really is just the best and saves me so much time hunting for (good) massage therapists for whole mornings!"”
    Sarah, the Wombats
  • “ "The bots this tour have all been awesome and made everyone have a better time." Sam”
    Edward Sharp and the magnetic Zero's
  • “"Thank you very much for the recent US run. You sent us some great Bots. My favorite was Calgary, she was awesome!"”
    Rod Stewart Tour Manager Matt O.
  • “"Both Kaya and Skye did a great job for us. We love your team, please send more Dot Bots asap"”
    Experience Hendrix Tour
  • “"Thank u for great service."”
    Chris Daughtry TM Alan


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