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Natalie in London (Reading), United Kingdom


My name is Natalie

I have completed a BSc (hons) Degree in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. I am an active member of the British Acupuncture Council and I have worked for High Profile, A-list Celebrity clients as part of the Disney family. I am now honoured to be working for another huge name within the Wellness Industry.

I also have several Diplomas in Complimentary Therapies, Swedish, Deep Tissue and Sports Massage.

I truly put my heart and soul into every treatment I do, leaving my clients feeling rejuvenated, refreshed and ready to conquer the world!

I regularly practice Internal Martial Arts and spend most of my spare time dancing Salsa.

Music has such wonderful healing abilities that coincide with Ancient Chinese philosophies of Beauty, Balance and Harmony. I specialize in Musculoskeletal problems, Weight Management, Anti-Aging, Fatigue, Mental Health Imbalances, Infertility and overall Wellness.

If you are looking for a Holistic Treatment with a choice of combined Acupuncture, Massage, Cupping and/or Moxibustion then I look forward to meeting you. I am available 24/7, throughout most of the UK and I am also available for touring.

Love and Blessings, Natalie x



  • “"Everything was great! Thank you so so much. Especially for your quick response...Will"”
    Pointer Sisters manager, William
  • “"Thank you so much. The band was very happy and it was great to have someone show up with such short notice." ”
    Odd Future manager
  • “Thank you very much for making this happen, especially considering the late notice. I can't say enough how great a service you provide. Thanks, David”
    Hans Zimmer Production Manager David M.
  • “Sheila E. is in love with your service. ”
    Joey F. Production manager Dave Koz Christmas tour
  • “Lars (Stockholm Dotbot) took care of the band-members and left all in awe! He provided a table, towels etc which made it very easy to work with. Very on point and definitely made for an amazing show at night - thank you again! Romi (Prague Dotbot) came by, arrived early, was very well prepped (had her own table, scented candles, oils, towels) and had the brightest smile we'd seen in days! She took care of the band-members who all were left amazed and startled by her touch ;) Thanks Romana, def will hit you up next time round. Martijn Tour Manager - Ben Howard”
    Martijn Tour Manager - Ben Howard
  • “I really liked working with you & the team and I liked how smoothly it went.”
    Kenny S. - Production Manager (Trans Siberian Orchestra)
  • “I am very impressed with the Dr. Dot team! Your team is consistent, professional and give an outstanding massage. I like the idea that all Dot Bots are auditioned/tested before they get on the team.”
    Carl (Madness)
  • “Dr. Dot aka the Queen; helping us out on this run!! #drdot #dotbots”
    Kristin Schloesser Tour Manager -Allyssa Edwards; Scream it lymi tour; Get Loud tour
  • “Your service is EXCELLENT!”
    Becca- Tour Manager of Blippi: The Musical
  • “Denise, Denver, Colorado DotBot was the Best Ever!”
    Gypsy, Tour manager of Behemoth
  • “Dr. Dot always has the best massage therapists.”
    Johnny - Bass Player (Trans-Siberian Orchestra)
  • “"Both Kaya and Skye did a great job for us. We love your team, please send more Dot Bots asap"”
    Experience Hendrix Tour
  • “"Hey Dot, All your "bots" we're great. No complaints, and a few were LOVED. JONNY particularly liked the girl in Thackerville OK (Kourtnii), she was strong enough to really reach Jon's tough back issues"”
    Experience Hendrix Tour Manger, Greg
  • “"Thanks for sorting today. Dan ( Dan Haggis (drums, percussion, keyboard and backing vocals) said it was one of the best massage's he's ever had. S." ”
    Wombats Manager
  • “Dr. DOT is the best. She has this ability to relate to everyone somehow and is so passionate about massage, what other boss do you know comes out and does massage, obviously she only hires the best.”
    Jeremy (Bassist of Paramore)
  • “Thanks. We've had a lot of the Dr. Dot's on various stops on the recent Staind tour. Thanks for the therapy!”
    Brian Wolk
  • “Thank you for all the great therapy over the touring year. I appreciate your professional staff and look forward to working with them again soon.”
    Steve Miller
  • “"All was great, thanks so much"”
    The Cult tour manager, Tony
  • “Dot Stein I've used your services twice the last 2 months. Both times we were provided with responsive communication (yay Michele) and professional therapists who understood what my artists and dancers needed. The therapists were caring and competent. Thank you for the service you provide and your commitment to us out here on the road. Bravo!”
    Christine M. Tour Manager of Nutcracker Moscow Dance Squad and RAIN
  • “"The Dotbots were really really nice Ladies. Everyone was VERY happy today; so I can't thank you enough"”
    Mystery Science Theater 3000 TM Lauren
  • “Your company has really helped me out on tour.”
    Brendan Ekstrom - Guitar (Circa Survive)
  • “"I love working with Dr. Dot's crew. They are really a pleasure to work with"”
    Casting Crowns Production mananager Jenn
  • “The Dot Bots are awesome. I send one email and one magically appears no matter where we are in the country.”
    Demun - Singer of Rehab
  • “Hi Dot, FYI Danielle in Salt Lake City was amazing, she worked on my whole crew and band and everyone loved her. Thanks again Tony ”
    Tony, TM: Victoria Justice / Cobra
  • “The Dots we had rocked!”
    Christopher - Tour Manager (Bad Company)
  • “Please let Dr. Dot know that I am very happy with all of the Dot Bot's this summer.”
    Steve Miller
  • “"Hello Dot, Ms. Krall is thrilled over the service she's been getting and it looks like we'll be booking many more dates"”
    Diana Krall TM Maria
  • “I am amazed at how efficient your team is. Bravo!”
    Helen PMA Lady Gaga tour
  • “"You and your team ROCK!"”
    Fred, Maroon 5 Tour Manager
  • “"The service was great. Thank you"”
    Shawn Richesin TOUR MANAGER - Kaleo


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