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Gina in Orlando, FL, USA

Yoga Therapist

Yogi Specialist Hello, I’m Gina and based in Orlando, Florida. Miami 1999, was my first yoga class ever- 2 hours of Ashtanga and I was hooked.

Since then I’ve fallen for power yoga and was fortunate to live in Santa Monica, California where I got to enjoy the best yoga: Steve Ross, Mathew Reyes, Bryan Kest and Sean Corne.

I prefer one-on-one so focus on private clients rather then big classes. Clients range from professional athletes to super fit moms.

My other passions include art, tennis and travel.



  • “"Thank you so much for the last minute request on our side. Best in the business!!!"”
    Tyler the Creator & Odd Future manager Brick
  • “Thanks. We've had a lot of the Dr. Dot's on various stops on the recent Staind tour. Thanks for the therapy!”
    Brian Wolk
  • “"I love working with Dr. Dot's crew. They are really a pleasure to work with"”
    Casting Crowns Production mananager Jenn
  • “I am very impressed with the Dr. Dot team! Your team is consistent, professional and give an outstanding massage. I like the idea that all Dot Bots are auditioned/tested before they get on the team.”
    Carl (Madness)
  • “Hello - Yet again successful - your Dotbots were perfectly pleasant to work with! Thanks! -- Becca Tour/Production Manager | Blippi: The Musical”
    Becca -Tour/Production Manager | Blippi: The Musical
  • “Please let Dr. Dot know that I am very happy with all of the Dot Bot's this summer.”
    Steve Miller
  • “"Thanks for the prompt service. Amy (Miami) was great!"”
    Paul C. (Tour manager of the Hives)
  • “Dr. Dot is a life saver on tour.”
    Rikki Rockett - Drummer of Poison
  • “Both Smo and I love your Dot Bots. Between filming our tv show and touring constantly, your bots are our saving grace! Thanks! Dan”
    Big Smo tour manager Dan
  • “"My tour manager wanted me to tell you Leslie was great. Very professional. He has never had an hour massage or someone come to his room. It was a nice treat for him and he doesn't have FB or Twitter but wanted me to tell you how professional your company was. The Wailers will be using you exclusively"”
    The Wailers PA Michele V.
  • “"The service was great. Thank you"”
    Shawn Richesin TOUR MANAGER - Kaleo
  • “"Thanks Dr. Dot! You're the best!"”
    Rancid tour manager Cris
  • “"As always thank you! Great service as ever. TB"”
    Tyler the Creator Tour manager Tim Boardman
  • “"Dr. Dot and her team are GREAT; the Dot Bots did an amazing job, thanks for helping us on tour"”
    Zucchero Tour manager, Raymond A.
  • “"What a great service! We used Dr. Dot on our winter tour. Everyone was extremely knowledgeable and a great addition to our daily team! Highly Recommended!" ”
    Devin Hand Tour Manager Dethklok
  • “Thank you for all the great therapy over the touring year. I appreciate your professional staff and look forward to working with them again soon.”
    Steve Miller
  • “I am amazed at how efficient your team is. Bravo!”
    Helen PMA Lady Gaga tour
  • “"Service has been very good on this tour. Hanne in Munich was great."”
    Jason Mraz tour manager Matt S.
  • “Dear Dr Dot, Thank you for setting up Therapists along the way of our tour. THAT was a huge help to Band/Crew to keep them feeling better and fit! Thank you! Brad ”
    Johnny Lang Tour manager Brad
  • “Thank you very much for making this happen, especially considering the late notice. I can't say enough how great a service you provide. Thanks, David”
    Hans Zimmer Production Manager David M.
  • “"Both Kaya and Skye did a great job for us. We love your team, please send more Dot Bots asap"”
    Experience Hendrix Tour
  • “Jeff Wayne has really taken to all the massage’s he had so far from your team. Roland in Cardiff was great / Jeff and Jason Donovan both had massage’s from him and both said how good he was. Cheers, Neil Brighouse Tour Manager”
    War of the Worlds Tour manager Neil B.
  • “Thank you for always being able to get people here quickly. It has been a big help.”
    Matthew - Production Coordinator (Lady Gaga)
  • “"Thanks for sorting Cherri in Portsmouth(UK) …. My guitar player is very happy"”
    Chris G. tour manager of Australian Pink Floyd
  • “Hi Dot, FYI Danielle in Salt Lake City was amazing, she worked on my whole crew and band and everyone loved her. Thanks again Tony ”
    Tony, TM: Victoria Justice / Cobra
  • “"The Dotbots were really really nice Ladies. Everyone was VERY happy today; so I can't thank you enough"”
    Mystery Science Theater 3000 TM Lauren
  • “"We really like Denise (Boston Dotbot) she does a great job in Mass.... Of course all the therapists have been great on this run" Jan. 2014”
    Gipsy Kings TM John
  • “"Heather (Seattle) was awesome...Pain is down from a 9 to about a 2 or 3. By far, one of the best massages I have ever gotten. As usual, you and your Bots rock!"”
    Van Halen Tour Management Mike. M
  • “"you KNOW I would only use your team Dot. We go back way. You're the best!"”
    Mitch; Production Manager Steely Dan
  • “"Thank you so very much for your help Dot.  We really couldn't do the shows without you!"”
    Dream Theater tour manager Brad


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