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Dr. Mike in Hampton ( Hampton Roads ), VA + Virginia Beach, USA


I have been a Board Certified and Licensed Chiropractor and Acupuncturist(NCCAOM) for over 20 years here in the Hampton Roads area.

For chronically painful muscle areas, I also utilize the art of Gua-Sha, which is a manual massage technique originating in China thousands of years ago.

These three treatment areas of Chiropractic, Acupuncture, and Gua-Sha form the cornerstones of my treatment approach which is to help the body function better and heal itself.

I have been an avid music lover and concert goer for many years and have helped many musicians to feel better from their “occupational injuries”.



  • “"She rules. Our favorite yet. Let's have her every time"”
    Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros TM Sam
  • “Jeff Wayne has really taken to all the massage’s he had so far from your team. Roland in Cardiff was great / Jeff and Jason Donovan both had massage’s from him and both said how good he was. Cheers, Neil Brighouse Tour Manager”
    War of the Worlds Tour manager Neil B.
  • “Thank you very much for making this happen, especially considering the late notice. I can't say enough how great a service you provide. Thanks, David”
    Hans Zimmer Production Manager David M.
  • “Hi Dot, FYI Danielle in Salt Lake City was amazing, she worked on my whole crew and band and everyone loved her. Thanks again Tony ”
    Tony, TM: Victoria Justice / Cobra
  • “"Once again, Dr Dots comes thru! Thanks!"”
    Victor Wooten PM/TM Jack T.
  • “"I have always used her people and they are great. Simon"”
    Simon S., Roger Waters Tour Manager
  • “"Hi Dot, everyone was happy with their massage - so thumbs up! Thanks for arranging for us! Cheers, Yvette"”
    Bon Jovi TMA Yvette
  • “Sheila E. is in love with your service. ”
    Joey F. Production manager Dave Koz Christmas tour
  • “"Both Kaya and Skye did a great job for us. We love your team, please send more Dot Bots asap"”
    Experience Hendrix Tour
  • “I want to thank you for coming through these last couple of times Dot. Your team has been completely professional and nothing short of stellar.”
    Luis - Manager of Maxwell
  • “Thank you.. Also.. The person that came out to our Chicago show (Ali) was amazing, and because of her i decided to look into getting more book for the tour. Thanks again Roger Nightwish - Tour Mg”
    Nightwish Tour Manager Roger
  • “Your company has really helped me out on tour.”
    Brendan Ekstrom - Guitar (Circa Survive)
  • “"Service has been very good on this tour. Hanne in Munich was great."”
    Jason Mraz tour manager Matt S.
  • “I am very impressed with the Dr. Dot team! Your team is consistent, professional and give an outstanding massage. I like the idea that all Dot Bots are auditioned/tested before they get on the team.”
    Carl (Madness)
  • “"The Dotbots were really really nice Ladies. Everyone was VERY happy today; so I can't thank you enough"”
    Mystery Science Theater 3000 TM Lauren
  • “"thank you and your company for coming to our need and being very accessible to our artists and touring entourage and thank you for always being there for my band/crews over the years!"”
    ROB ZOMBIE | PRODUCTION: Samantha Luettke
  • “"My tour manager wanted me to tell you Leslie was great. Very professional. He has never had an hour massage or someone come to his room. It was a nice treat for him and he doesn't have FB or Twitter but wanted me to tell you how professional your company was. The Wailers will be using you exclusively"”
    The Wailers PA Michele V.
  • “"Very pleased with the service, cheers Dot"”
    Overtones Tour manager
  • “"Thank you so much for the last minute request on our side. Best in the business!!!"”
    Tyler the Creator & Odd Future manager Brick
  • “Dr. Dot always has the best massage therapists.”
    Johnny - Bass Player (Trans-Siberian Orchestra)
  • “ "The bots this tour have all been awesome and made everyone have a better time." Sam”
    Edward Sharp and the magnetic Zero's
  • “Whitney did a great job, and some of the other guys had work done also so I think it worked out well for her too cheers! Best Regards Paul Collis”
    Anthrax Tour manager Paul
  • “The Dot Bots are awesome. I send one email and one magically appears no matter where we are in the country.”
    Demun - Singer of Rehab
  • “"The Dotbot, Chandra (San Diego) you had come out today, was amazing!"”
    NIghtwish TM Roger
  • “"Everything was great! Thank you so so much. Especially for your quick response...Will"”
    Pointer Sisters manager, William
  • “I just wanted to say thanks for another great tour. Your folks were, per usual, wonderful. You provide a great service, and I appreciate it.”
    Manager of Everlast
  • “I really liked working with you & the team and I liked how smoothly it went.”
    Kenny S. - Production Manager (Trans Siberian Orchestra)
  • “"I am very familiar with the Dr. Her team is awesome"”
    Steve Vai Tour Manager Warren
  • “"Thank you so very much for your help Dot.  We really couldn't do the shows without you!"”
    Dream Theater tour manager Brad
  • “"Dr. Dot really is just the best and saves me so much time hunting for (good) massage therapists for whole mornings!"”
    Sarah, the Wombats


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