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All of our chiropractors are licensed.

Please choose and CLICK on the service you want
Massage Therapist * Chiropractor * Acupuncture
* Mobile Spa (Facial/Mani/Pedi) * Yoga

Our countries are:
Australia Canada Chile France Germany Greece Netherlands United Kingdom USA


Dr. Michael (Melbourne, Australia)
Dr. Michael

Dr. Adam (Perth, Australia)
Dr. Adam

Dr. George (Sydney, Australia)
Dr. George



Dr. Jason (Edmonton, Canada)
Dr. Jason

Dr. Aly (Toronto, Canada)
Dr. Aly

Dr. Dennis (Toronto, Canada)
Dr. Dennis

Dr. Donato (Toronto, Canada)
Dr. Donato

Dr. Laura (Toronto, Canada)
Dr. Laura

Dr. Pawan (Toronto, Canada)
Dr. Pawan



Dr. Jake (Santiago, Chile)
Dr. Jake



Dr. Axel (Lyon, France)
Dr. Axel



Maria (Dortmond, Germany)



Dr. Kostis (Athens, Greece)
Dr. Kostis



Dr. Jason (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Dr. Jason


United Kingdom

Dr. Ross (London, United Kingdom)
Dr. Ross

Pete (London, United Kingdom)

Dr. Andy (Manchester, United Kingdom)
Dr. Andy



Our states are:
Arizona California Colorado Connecticut Florida Iowa Illinois Kentucky Louisiana Massachusetts Maryland Michigan Minnesota Missouri North Carolina New Jersey Nevada New York Ohio Oklahoma Pennsylvania Tennessee Texas Utah Virginia Washington Wisconsin


Phoenix, AZ
Dr. Brennan (Phoenix, USA)
Dr. Brennan


Bakersfiled, CA
Dr. Virginia (Bakersfiled, USA)
Dr. Virginia

Los Angeles, CA
Dr. David (Los Angeles, USA)
Dr. David

Los Angeles, CA
Dr. Justin (Los Angeles, USA)
Dr. Justin

Los Angeles, CA
Dr. Rich (Los Angeles, USA)
Dr. Rich

Los Angeles, CA
Dr. Tonika (Los Angeles, USA)
Dr. Tonika

Palm Desert, CA
Dr. Anthony (Palm Desert, USA)
Dr. Anthony

Pleasanton, CA
Dr. Rick (Pleasanton, USA)
Dr. Rick

San Diego, CA
Dr. Chuck (San Diego, USA)
Dr. Chuck

San Diego, CA
Dr. Codrin (San Diego, USA)
Dr. Codrin

San Diego, CA
Dr. Codrin (San Diego, USA)
Dr. Codrin

San Diego, CA
Dr. Joe (San Diego, USA)
Dr. Joe

San Diego, CA
Dr. Peter (San Diego, USA)
Dr. Peter

San Diego, CA
Dr. Sam (San Diego, USA)
Dr. Sam

San Francisco, CA
Dr. Sarb (San Francisco, USA)
Dr. Sarb

San Francisco and Oakland, CA
Dr. Kahled (San Francisco and Oakland, USA)
Dr. Kahled


Denver, CO
Dr. Trent (Denver, USA)
Dr. Trent


Hartford, CT
Dr. Sean (Hartford, USA)
Dr. Sean


Fort Lauderdale, FL
Dr. Jay (Fort Lauderdale, USA)
Dr. Jay

Fort Lauderdale, FL
Dr. Sam (Fort Lauderdale, USA)
Dr. Sam

Miami, FL
Dr. Nicole (Miami, USA)
Dr. Nicole

Palm Beach, FL
Dr. Mike (Palm Beach, USA)
Dr. Mike

Tampa, FL
Dr. Han (Tampa, USA)
Dr. Han


Cedar Rapids, IA
Dr. Brittany (Cedar Rapids, USA)
Dr. Brittany

Des Moines, IA
Dr. Abel  (Des Moines, USA)
Dr. Abel


Chicago, IL
Dr. Garrett (Chicago, USA)
Dr. Garrett


Louisville, KY
Dr. Justin (Louisville, USA)
Dr. Justin


New Orleans, LA
Dr. Chuck (New Orleans, USA)
Dr. Chuck


Boston, MA
Dr. Annette  (Boston, USA)
Dr. Annette

Boston, MA
Dr. Arnie (Boston, USA)
Dr. Arnie

Boston, MA
Dr. Brad (Boston, USA)
Dr. Brad

Boston, MA
Dr. Melissa (Boston, USA)
Dr. Melissa


Annapolis, MD
Dr. Ray (Annapolis, USA)
Dr. Ray

Baltimore, MD
Dr. Marc (Baltimore, USA)
Dr. Marc


Traverse City, MI
Dr. Mike (Traverse City, USA)
Dr. Mike


Minneapolis, MN
Dr. Brandon (Minneapolis, USA)
Dr. Brandon

Minneapolis , MN
Dr. Kristen (Minneapolis , USA)
Dr. Kristen

Minneapolis, MN
Dr. Maria (Minneapolis, USA)
Dr. Maria

Minneapolis-Saint Paul, MN
Dr. Adam (Minneapolis-Saint Paul, USA)
Dr. Adam


Kansas City, MO
Dr. Zach (Kansas City, USA)
Dr. Zach

St. Louis, MO
Dr. William (St. Louis, USA)
Dr. William

North Carolina

Charlotte, NC
Dr. Brad (Charlotte, USA)
Dr. Brad

Raleigh, NC
Dr. Chad (Raleigh, USA)
Dr. Chad

New Jersey

Central NJ, NJ
Dr. John (Central NJ, USA)
Dr. John

Newark, NJ
Dr. Jody (Newark, USA)
Dr. Jody


Las Vegas, NV
Dr. Denny (Las Vegas, USA)
Dr. Denny

Las Vegas, NV
Dr. Ray (Las Vegas, USA)
Dr. Ray

New York

Buffalo, NY
Dr. Brad (Buffalo, USA)
Dr. Brad

Buffalo, NY
Dr. Carolyn (Buffalo, USA)
Dr. Carolyn

Ithaca, NY
Dr. Brian (Ithaca, USA)
Dr. Brian

Long Island, NY
Dr. Marty (Long Island, USA)
Dr. Marty

Long Island, NY
Dr. Scott (Long Island, USA)
Dr. Scott

Dr. Andy (NYC, USA)
Dr. Andy

Dr. Lou (NYC, USA)
Dr. Lou

Dr. Ron (NYC, USA)
Dr. Ron

Syracuse, NY
Dr. Kristen (Syracuse, USA)
Dr. Kristen


Columbus, OH
Dr. Paul (Columbus, USA)
Dr. Paul


Oklahoma City, OK
Dr. Jay (Oklahoma City, USA)
Dr. Jay


Philadelphia, PA
Dr. Jeff (Philadelphia, USA)
Dr. Jeff


Memphis, TN
Dr. Kevin (Memphis, USA)
Dr. Kevin


Dallas, TX
Dr. Manuel (Dallas, USA)
Dr. Manuel

Hosuton, TX
Dr. Sharon (Hosuton, USA)
Dr. Sharon

Houston, TX
Dr. Alexia (Houston, USA)
Dr. Alexia

Houston, TX
Dr. Kole (Houston, USA)
Dr. Kole

Houston, TX
Dr. Mark (Houston, USA)
Dr. Mark


Salt Lake City, UT
Dr. Jeff (Salt Lake City, USA)
Dr. Jeff


Hampton, VA
Dr. Mike (Hampton, USA)
Dr. Mike


Seattle, WA
Dr. Matt (Seattle, USA)
Dr. Matt

Spokane, WA
Dr. Dave (Spokane, USA)
Dr. Dave


Milwaukee, WI
Dr. Brad (Milwaukee, USA)
Dr. Brad

Milwaukee, WI
Dr. Tim (Milwaukee, USA)
Dr. Tim



  • “"She rules. Our favorite yet. Let's have her every time"”
    Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros TM Sam
  • “Lars (Stockholm Dotbot) took care of the band-members and left all in awe! He provided a table, towels etc which made it very easy to work with. Very on point and definitely made for an amazing show at night - thank you again! Romi (Prague Dotbot) came by, arrived early, was very well prepped (had her own table, scented candles, oils, towels) and had the brightest smile we'd seen in days! She took care of the band-members who all were left amazed and startled by her touch ;) Thanks Romana, def will hit you up next time round. Martijn Tour Manager - Ben Howard”
    Martijn Tour Manager - Ben Howard
  • “Your service is EXCELLENT!”
    Becca- Tour Manager of Blippi: The Musical
  • “Hi Dot, FYI Danielle in Salt Lake City was amazing, she worked on my whole crew and band and everyone loved her. Thanks again Tony ”
    Tony, TM: Victoria Justice / Cobra
  • “"The Dotbots were really really nice Ladies. Everyone was VERY happy today; so I can't thank you enough"”
    Mystery Science Theater 3000 TM Lauren
  • “"I feel much better since getting massage from Dot-Bots and I am thrilled with my progress. You guys have saved me!"”
    Gypsy, Tour manager of Behemoth
  • “"You and your team ROCK!"”
    Fred, Maroon 5 Tour Manager
  • “"My tour manager wanted me to tell you Leslie was great. Very professional. He has never had an hour massage or someone come to his room. It was a nice treat for him and he doesn't have FB or Twitter but wanted me to tell you how professional your company was. The Wailers will be using you exclusively"”
    The Wailers PA Michele V.
  • “"Thank you so very much for your help Dot.  We really couldn't do the shows without you!"”
    Dream Theater tour manager Brad
  • “"Thanks for sorting Cherri in Portsmouth(UK) …. My guitar player is very happy"”
    Chris G. tour manager of Australian Pink Floyd
  • “I love using your Dot Bots they are always so professional and provide excellent service regardless of the city or continent! They always make my clients very happy and at the end of the day that's all that matters!”
    Clay - Tour Manager (Staind) and Guns n' Roses Monitor Engineer
  • “Denise, Denver, Colorado DotBot was the Best Ever!”
    Gypsy, Tour manager of Behemoth
  • “"I have always used her people and they are great. Simon"”
    Simon S., Roger Waters Tour Manager
  • “Dr. Dot always has the best massage therapists.”
    Johnny - Bass Player (Trans-Siberian Orchestra)
  • “Thank you for your service and follow up”
    Diana Krall TM Maria
  • “"Both Kaya and Skye did a great job for us. We love your team, please send more Dot Bots asap"”
    Experience Hendrix Tour
  • “I only and will only use DOT BOTS!”
    Sid Wilson (Slipknot)
  • “Cherrie in NH was awesome!!! Thank you for the great service. ”
    Black Label Society TM Mike
  • “"Sheila in Detroit yesterday was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!"”
    Harry Connick Jr. Tour Manager
  • “"Thank you very much for the recent US run. You sent us some great Bots. My favorite was Calgary, she was awesome!"”
    Rod Stewart Tour Manager Matt O.
  • “I really liked working with you & the team and I liked how smoothly it went.”
    Kenny S. - Production Manager (Trans Siberian Orchestra)
  • “Hello - Yet again successful - your Dotbots were perfectly pleasant to work with! Thanks! -- Becca Tour/Production Manager | Blippi: The Musical”
    Becca -Tour/Production Manager | Blippi: The Musical
  • “"We really like Denise (Boston Dotbot) she does a great job in Mass.... Of course all the therapists have been great on this run" Jan. 2014”
    Gipsy Kings TM John
  • “Dr. DOT is the best. She has this ability to relate to everyone somehow and is so passionate about massage, what other boss do you know comes out and does massage, obviously she only hires the best.”
    Jeremy (Bassist of Paramore)
  • “Whitney did a great job, and some of the other guys had work done also so I think it worked out well for her too cheers! Best Regards Paul Collis”
    Anthrax Tour manager Paul
  • “Dr. Dot aka the Queen; helping us out on this run!! #drdot #dotbots”
    Kristin Schloesser Tour Manager -Allyssa Edwards; Scream it lymi tour; Get Loud tour
  • “I want to thank you for coming through these last couple of times Dot. Your team has been completely professional and nothing short of stellar.”
    Luis - Manager of Maxwell
  • “"Thank you so much for the last minute request on our side. Best in the business!!!"”
    Tyler the Creator & Odd Future manager Brick
  • “"the Dotbots were excellent!! thanks again and can’t wait to do it again.."”
    Chromeo Tour manager Ray
  • “"They were very pleased, excellent job. Thanks again"”
    Empire of the Sun TM Tim


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