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Notice/Disclaimer: No one on Dr. Dots whole team offers or does the Bite Massage. This is just a modality that Dr. Dot herself developed and does for close friends.

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  • “Hi Dot! Yared enjoyed the massage very much! Talked about it all evening. Thank you again and I will contact you for any artist I will work with Best, Tom ”
    Yared Dibaba Tour manager Tom C.
  • “"Thank you so much. Abby (Dallas DotBot) was amazing. All are very pleased."”
    Big Gigantic TM Katie
  • “Thank you for always being able to get people here quickly. It has been a big help.”
    Matthew - Production Coordinator (Lady Gaga)
  • “The Dot Bots are awesome. I send one email and one magically appears no matter where we are in the country.”
    Demun - Singer of Rehab
  • “"Hey Dot, All your "bots" we're great. No complaints, and a few were LOVED. JONNY particularly liked the girl in Thackerville OK (Kourtnii), she was strong enough to really reach Jon's tough back issues"”
    Experience Hendrix Tour Manger, Greg
  • “I am amazed at how efficient your team is. Bravo!”
    Helen PMA Lady Gaga tour
  • “The Dots we had rocked!”
    Christopher - Tour Manager (Bad Company)
  • “Your service is EXCELLENT!”
    Becca- Tour Manager of Blippi: The Musical
  • “"As always thank you! Great service as ever. TB"”
    Tyler the Creator Tour manager Tim Boardman
  • “"Everything was great as always thank you again"”
    Gabriel Iglesias TM Ryan
  • “"Dr. Dot really is just the best and saves me so much time hunting for (good) massage therapists for whole mornings!"”
    Sarah, the Wombats
  • “Hi Dot, FYI Danielle in Salt Lake City was amazing, she worked on my whole crew and band and everyone loved her. Thanks again Tony ”
    Tony, TM: Victoria Justice / Cobra
  • “ "The bots this tour have all been awesome and made everyone have a better time." Sam”
    Edward Sharp and the magnetic Zero's
  • “"What a great service! We used Dr. Dot on our winter tour. Everyone was extremely knowledgeable and a great addition to our daily team! Highly Recommended!" ”
    Devin Hand Tour Manager Dethklok
  • “"you KNOW I would only use your team Dot. We go back way. You're the best!"”
    Mitch; Production Manager Steely Dan
  • “Dot Stein I've used your services twice the last 2 months. Both times we were provided with responsive communication (yay Michele) and professional therapists who understood what my artists and dancers needed. The therapists were caring and competent. Thank you for the service you provide and your commitment to us out here on the road. Bravo!”
    Christine M. Tour Manager of Nutcracker Moscow Dance Squad and RAIN
  • “"We really like Denise (Boston Dotbot) she does a great job in Mass.... Of course all the therapists have been great on this run" Jan. 2014”
    Gipsy Kings TM John
  • “I only and will only use DOT BOTS!”
    Sid Wilson (Slipknot)
  • “I love using your Dot Bots they are always so professional and provide excellent service regardless of the city or continent! They always make my clients very happy and at the end of the day that's all that matters!”
    Clay - Tour Manager (Staind) and Guns n' Roses Monitor Engineer
  • “Thanks a lot for your help along the way!”
    Sherri - Production Coordinator (Mannheim Steamroller)
  • “"Once again, Dr Dots comes thru! Thanks!"”
    Victor Wooten PM/TM Jack T.
  • “I would never get a massage anywhere else except through Dr. Dot with her team; they are all excellent.”
    Rob Halford (Singer of Judas Priest)
  • “I really liked working with you & the team and I liked how smoothly it went.”
    Kenny S. - Production Manager (Trans Siberian Orchestra)
  • “"Very pleased with the service, cheers Dot"”
    Overtones Tour manager
  • “Thank you very much for making this happen, especially considering the late notice. I can't say enough how great a service you provide. Thanks, David”
    Hans Zimmer Production Manager David M.
  • “Dear Dr Dot, Thank you for setting up Therapists along the way of our tour. THAT was a huge help to Band/Crew to keep them feeling better and fit! Thank you! Brad ”
    Johnny Lang Tour manager Brad
  • “"We were absolutely delighted with your service- very many thanks. Cheers Simon"”
    Perfume (Japanese Band)
  • “"I have always used her people and they are great. Simon"”
    Simon S., Roger Waters Tour Manager
  • “Hello - Yet again successful - your Dotbots were perfectly pleasant to work with! Thanks! -- Becca Tour/Production Manager | Blippi: The Musical”
    Becca -Tour/Production Manager | Blippi: The Musical
  • “"Dr. Dot and her team are GREAT; the Dot Bots did an amazing job, thanks for helping us on tour"”
    Zucchero Tour manager, Raymond A.


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