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Notice/Disclaimer: No one on Dr. Dots whole team offers or does the Bite Massage. This is just a modality that Dr. Dot herself developed and does for close friends.

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  • “Thank you very much for making this happen, especially considering the late notice. I can't say enough how great a service you provide. Thanks, David”
    Hans Zimmer Production Manager David M.
  • “I am very impressed with the Dr. Dot team! Your team is consistent, professional and give an outstanding massage. I like the idea that all Dot Bots are auditioned/tested before they get on the team.”
    Carl (Madness)
  • “"The Dotbot, Chandra (San Diego) you had come out today, was amazing!"”
    NIghtwish TM Roger
  • “"I am very familiar with the Dr. Her team is awesome"”
    Steve Vai Tour Manager Warren
  • “"Thank u for great service."”
    Chris Daughtry TM Alan
  • “Dot, Thank you again for taking such good care of us. Your Dotbots are doing a great job for us out here and making happiness for our bands and crew. Melanie”
    Casting Crowns Tour manager Melanie H.
  • “"Thanks for sorting Cherri in Portsmouth(UK) …. My guitar player is very happy"”
    Chris G. tour manager of Australian Pink Floyd
  • “Both Smo and I love your Dot Bots. Between filming our tv show and touring constantly, your bots are our saving grace! Thanks! Dan”
    Big Smo tour manager Dan
  • “Dr. DOT is the best. She has this ability to relate to everyone somehow and is so passionate about massage, what other boss do you know comes out and does massage, obviously she only hires the best.”
    Jeremy (Bassist of Paramore)
  • “Good morning! The last couple masseuses you guys sent out were so great! Thank you for all you do. -Ben”
    Anthrax TM 2021 Ben W.
  • “"All was great, thanks so much"”
    The Cult tour manager, Tony
  • “"thanks a lot for your help during our tours"”
    Zucchero tour manager Laura
  • “"Thank you very much for the recent US run. You sent us some great Bots. My favorite was Calgary, she was awesome!"”
    Rod Stewart Tour Manager Matt O.
  • “"Hey Dot, All your "bots" we're great. No complaints, and a few were LOVED. JONNY particularly liked the girl in Thackerville OK (Kourtnii), she was strong enough to really reach Jon's tough back issues"”
    Experience Hendrix Tour Manger, Greg
  • “Thank you.. Also.. The person that came out to our Chicago show (Ali) was amazing, and because of her i decided to look into getting more book for the tour. Thanks again Roger Nightwish - Tour Mg”
    Nightwish Tour Manager Roger
  • “Whitney did a great job, and some of the other guys had work done also so I think it worked out well for her too cheers! Best Regards Paul Collis”
    Anthrax Tour manager Paul
  • “"Thank you so very much for your help Dot.  We really couldn't do the shows without you!"”
    Dream Theater tour manager Brad
  • “"My tour manager wanted me to tell you Leslie was great. Very professional. He has never had an hour massage or someone come to his room. It was a nice treat for him and he doesn't have FB or Twitter but wanted me to tell you how professional your company was. The Wailers will be using you exclusively"”
    The Wailers PA Michele V.
  • “Please let Dr. Dot know that I am very happy with all of the Dot Bot's this summer.”
    Steve Miller
  • “"Thank you so much. The band was very happy and it was great to have someone show up with such short notice." ”
    Odd Future manager
  • “Your service is EXCELLENT!”
    Becca- Tour Manager of Blippi: The Musical
  • “"My guys were very pleased. Thanks for pulling through last minute"”
    Manchester Orchestra TM Nate
  • “Thank you for your service and follow up”
    Diana Krall TM Maria
  • “"Service has been very good on this tour. Hanne in Munich was great."”
    Jason Mraz tour manager Matt S.
  • “"We were absolutely delighted with your service- very many thanks. Cheers Simon"”
    Perfume (Japanese Band)
  • “Dr. Dot always has the best massage therapists.”
    Johnny - Bass Player (Trans-Siberian Orchestra)
  • “"Thank you so much. Abby (Dallas DotBot) was amazing. All are very pleased."”
    Big Gigantic TM Katie
  • “"the Dotbots were excellent!! thanks again and can’t wait to do it again.."”
    Chromeo Tour manager Ray
  • “I only and will only use DOT BOTS!”
    Sid Wilson (Slipknot)
  • “"What a great service! We used Dr. Dot on our winter tour. Everyone was extremely knowledgeable and a great addition to our daily team! Highly Recommended!" ”
    Devin Hand Tour Manager Dethklok


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